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TitleCosmology and eschatology in Hebrews : The Settings of the sacrifice [electronic resource]
AuthorSchenck, Kenneth.
Call NoDTL 227.8706 SCH
Copy No1


Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 9780511488177
Dewey Decimal Classification Number DTL 227.8706 SCH
Personal Name Schenck, Kenneth.
Title Statement Cosmology and eschatology in Hebrews : The Settings of the sacrifice [electronic resource]
Imprint Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Physical Description eBook
Series Statement - Title Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, 143.
General Note Includes Index and Bibliographical References
Summary, Etc. Scholars argue over where Hebrews fit in the first century world. Kenneth L. Schenck works towards resolving this question by approaching Hebrews' cosmology and eschatology from a text-orientated perspective. After observing that the key passages in the background debate mostly relate to the 'settings' of the story of salvation history evoked by Hebrews, Schenck attempts to delineate those settings by asking how the 'rhetorical world' of Hebrews engages that underlying narrative. Hebrews largely argue from an eschatology of two ages, which correspond to two covenants. The fresh age has come despite the continuance of some old age elements. The most characteristic elements of Hebrews' settings, however, are its spatial settings, where we find an underlying metaphysical dualism between the highest heaven, which is the domain of spirit, and the created realm, including the created heavens
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term ESCHATOLOGY - BIBLICAL TEACHING.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term BIBLICAL COSMOLOGY.
Electronic Location and Access http://thedtl.on.worldcat.org/oclc/776977357 DTL ePlatform Full text - Book opens through link in DTL DTL