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TitleDo not be true to yourself : Countercultural advice for the rest of your life
AuthorDeYoung, Kevin.
Call No248.4 DEY
CollectionNon Fiction
Copy No1
Reserve Item


Perm LocCirc StatusEdition
RTC LibraryAvailable 

Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 9781433590054
Dewey Decimal Classification Number 248.4 DEY
Personal Name DeYoung, Kevin.
Title Statement Do not be true to yourself : Countercultural advice for the rest of your life
Imprint Wheaton, Illinois : Crossway, 2023.
Physical Description 66p.
General Note Includes Index and Bibliographical References.
Summary, Etc. "This booklet offers countercultural advice to graduates: "Do not follow your dreams. Do not march to the beat of your own drummer. And whatever you do, do not be true to yourself." The world says you are what you feel. The world says your is equals ought. The world says you must find yourself, be true to yourself, and express yourself. Jesus gave us a different and better way to live. "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life will lose it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life" (John 12:24-25)"-- Provided by publisher
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term VIRTUES.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term PHILOSOPHY OF MIND.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term THEOLOGY, PRACTICAL.