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TitleFlow : The Ancient way to do contemporary worship [electronic resource]
AuthorRuth, Lester.
Call NoDTL 264 RUT
Copy No1


Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 9781501899003
Dewey Decimal Classification Number DTL 264 RUT
Personal Name Ruth, Lester.
Title Statement Flow : The Ancient way to do contemporary worship [electronic resource]
Imprint Nashville, Tennessee : Abingdon, 2020.
Physical Description eBook
General Note Includes Index and Bibliographical References.
Summary, Etc. "Is there a way to do the prescribed or suggested orders of worship from denominational worship resources--such as the United Methodist Book of Worship, Evangelical Lutheran Book of Worship, the Book of Common Worship of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), or the Book of Common Prayer--in a way that feels legitimately and authentically contemporary? This practical, how-to book will help churches plan and implement passionate and invigorating worship. Step by step, author Lester Ruth and contributors Zachary Barnes, Andrew Eastes, Jonathan Ottaway, Adam Perez, Glenn Stallsmith and Deborah Wong break down the process of re-thinking what the official or recommended order of worship is truly suggesting, so pastors and worship leaders can plan and lead a service of Word and Table that feels genuinely relevant and attuned to the congregation's culture. With this goal, Flow casts a new, but classic, understanding of traditional worship as well as spurs a reconsideration of how contemporary worship can be done by honoring the traditions of denominational congregations."--Publisher
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term PUBLIC WORSHIP.
Electronic Location and Access http://thedtl.on.worldcat.org/oclc/1144496740 DTL ePlatform Full text - Book opens through link in DTL DTL