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TitlePsalms old and new : Exegesis, intertextuality, and hermeneutics [electronic resource]
AuthorWitherington, Ben.
Call NoDTL 223.206 WIT
Copy No1


Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 9781506420585
Dewey Decimal Classification Number DTL 223.206 WIT
Personal Name Witherington, Ben.
Title Statement Psalms old and new : Exegesis, intertextuality, and hermeneutics [electronic resource]
Imprint Minnesota : Fortress Press, 2017.
Physical Description eBook
General Note Includes Index and Bibliographical References
Summary, Etc. "Psalms in context and through the ages. Reading the Book of Psalms in its original context is the crucial prerequisite for reading its citation and use in later interpretation, including the New Testament writings, argues Ben Witherington III. Here, he offers pastors, teachers, and students an accessible commentary to the Psalms, as well as a reasoned consideration of how they were heard and read in early Christianity. By reading "forward and backward," Witherington advances the scholarly discussion of intertextuality and opens a new avenue for biblical theology. - Back cover
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term INTERTEXTUALITY IN THE BIBLE.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term BIBLE.O.T. - PSALMS - COMMENTARIES.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term HERMENEUTICS.
Electronic Location and Access http://thedtl.on.worldcat.org/oclc/990020532 DTL ePlatform Full text - Book opens through link in DTL DTL