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TitleDepression : A Stubborn darkness : Light for the path [electronic resource]
AuthorWelch, Edward T.
Call NoDTL 253.56 WEL
Copy No1


Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 9780976230809
Dewey Decimal Classification Number DTL 253.56 WEL
Personal Name Welch, Edward T.
Title Statement Depression : A Stubborn darkness : Light for the path [electronic resource]
Imprint Winston-Salem, N.C. : Punch Press, 2004.
Physical Description eBook
General Note Includes Index and Bibliographical References
Summary, Etc. This book gives real hope to those who struggle with depression, and for the people who love them. Dr. Ed Welch writes compassionately on the complex nature of depression and sheds light on the path toward deep, lasting healing. Welch considers carefully the spiritual, medical, and emotional factors that contribute to depression. Even more important is his insight into the impact of these factors' interaction. If depression has touched your life in any way, you can be helped by this practical and far-reaching approach. - Back cover.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term DEPRESSION, MENTAL.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term CHURCH WORK WITH THE MENTALLY ILL.
Electronic Location and Access http://thedtl.on.worldcat.org/oclc/57572148 DTL ePlatform Full text DRC - Book opens through link in DTL DTL