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TitleViolence in scripture [electronic resource]
AuthorCreach, Jerome F. D.
Call NoDTL 220.83 CRE
Copy No1


Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 9781611643268
Dewey Decimal Classification Number DTL 220.83036 CRE
Personal Name Creach, Jerome F. D.
Title Statement Violence in scripture [electronic resource]
Imprint Louisville, Kentucky : Westminster John Knox Press, 2013.
Physical Description eBook
Series Statement - Title Interpretation : Resources for the use of scripture in the Church
General Note Includes Index and Bibliographical References.
Formatted Contents Note Setting the stage: violence, creation, and calling -- "The Lord is a warrior" -- Enemies of God and Israel: Sodom, Pharaoh, and Amalek -- "You shall utterly destroy them": the ban and conquest -- Judges' use of violence -- Seeking vengeance, part I: prophetic speech and action -- Seeking vengeance, part II: praying against the enemy -- Jesus, nonviolence, and the Old Testament.
Summary, Etc. "The Bible frequently depicts God as angry and violent, and also sometimes depicts human violence as positive or even as commanded by God. This forms one of the most vexing problems in approaching Scripture and in interpreting the Bible for preaching and teaching today. In this volume, Creach first examines the theological problems of violence and categorizes the types of violence that appear in scripture. Then, he wrestles with the most important biblical texts on violence to work through specific interpretational issues. This new volume in the Interpretation: Resources for Use of Scripture in the Church series will help preachers and pastors interpret those difficult texts, encouraging them to face violence in the Bible with honesty"
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term VIOLENCE IN THE BIBLE.
Electronic Location and Access http://thedtl.on.worldcat.org/oclc/864675615 DTL ePlatform Full text - Book opens through link in DTL DTL