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TitleThe Message of the twelve : Hearing the voice of the minor prophets / Richard Alan Fuhr and Gary E. Yates
AuthorFuhr, Richard Alan. / Yates, Gary E.
Call No224.906 FUH
CollectionNon Fiction
Copy No1
Reserve Item


Perm LocCirc StatusEdition
RTC LibraryAvailable 

Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 9781433683763
Dewey Decimal Classification Number 224.906 FUH
Personal Name Fuhr, Richard Alan.
Title Statement The Message of the twelve : Hearing the voice of the minor prophets / Richard Alan Fuhr and Gary E. Yates
Imprint Nashville, Tennessee : B&H Publishing Group, 2016.
Physical Description 360p.
General Note Includes Index and Bibliographical References.
Summary, Etc. Old Testament scholars Richard Alan Fuhr, Jr. and Gary E. Yates believe that the message of the twelve Minor Prophets is relevant for the church today, and they re-introduce these important books of the Bible to contemporary Christians. This book surveys the historical background of each prophetic book, the prophet's message and themes, as well as the book's place in the biblical canon. The authors also provide in-depth exposition of each book. The Message of the Twelve goes beyond typical biblical surveys to examine the key interpretive issues in each book, including important literary insights from the Hebrew text. Drawing on the prophets' proclamations to ancient Israel and Judah, the authors emphasize that the church today must heed the call to reject apathy and return to a vibrant relationship with the living God. --from the Publisher
Added Entry, Personal Name Yates, Gary E.