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StatusChecked Out
Perm LocRTC Library
TitleRepentance : Turning from sin to God
AuthorBoston, Thomas.
Call No234.5 BOS
CollectionNon Fiction
Copy No1
Reserve Item


Perm LocCirc StatusEdition
RTC LibraryDue on 20/10/2024 

Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 9781845509750
Dewey Decimal Classification Number 234.5 BOS
Personal Name Boston, Thomas.
Title Statement Repentance : Turning from sin to God
Imprint Christian Focus, Fearn, Ross-shire : 2005.
Physical Description 251p.
Summary, Etc. One of the last great Puritan preachers, Thomas Boston brings us the most important message for every person - the need for repentance."To any who turn back in puzzlement as to why Boston's book should be rated a classic I say go back and read the book again and I can guarantee you will realise that you have not been wasting your time." J. I. Packer
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term REPENTANCE - BIBLICAL TEACHING.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term REPENTANCE - CHRISTIANITY.