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Perm LocRTC Library
TitleTriumph of the lamb : A Commentary on Revelation
AuthorJohnson, Dennis E.
Call No228.07 JOH
CollectionNon Fiction
Copy No1
Reserve Item


Perm LocCirc StatusEdition
RTC LibraryAvailable 
RTC LibraryAvailable 

Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 9780875522005
Dewey Decimal Classification Number 228.07 JOH
Personal Name Johnson, Dennis E.
Title Statement Triumph of the lamb : A Commentary on Revelation
Imprint Phillipsburg, New Jersey : P&R Publishing, 2001.
Physical Description 384p.
General Note Includes Index and Bibliographical References.
Formatted Contents Note Introduction: A strategy for seeing -- Structure: Framing the pieces of the puzzle -- Vision: The Son of Man among His churches (1:7-20) -- Letters: The Son of Man speaks to His churches (2:1-3:22) -- Scroll opened: The Lamb is worthy (4:1-5:14) -- Seals: Instruments, rationale, and climax of judgment (6:1-8:5) -- Trumpets: Current and coming woes (8:1-9:21; 11:15-19) -- Scroll delivered: The prophet eats, measures, and testifies (10:1-11:14) -- Cosmic conflict 1: The mother, the dragon, and the beasts (12:1-13:18) -- Harvest: Celebration (14:1-15:8) Bowls: The last woes (16:1-21) -- Harlot: Babylon's luxury, violence, and destruction (17:1-19:10) -- Cosmic conflict 2: The thousand years and the last battle (19:11-20:15) -- Bride: New Jerusalem, wife of the Lamb (21:1-22:21) -- Conclusion: What should this book do to us? -- Appendix A: A concise overview of the Book of Revelation -- Appendix B: Schools of interpretation.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term BIBLE.N.T. - REVELATION - COMMENTARIES.