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TitleRescuing the Gospel from the cowboys : A Native American expression of the Jesus way / Richard Twiss ; edited by Ray Martell and Sue Martell.
AuthorTwiss, Richard.
Call No971.00497 TWI
CollectionNon Fiction
Copy No1
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Perm LocCirc StatusEdition
RTC LibraryAvailable 

Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 9780830844234
Dewey Decimal Classification Number 971.00497 TWI
Personal Name Twiss, Richard.
Title Statement Rescuing the Gospel from the cowboys : A Native American expression of the Jesus way / Richard Twiss ; edited by Ray Martell and Sue Martell.
Imprint Downers Grove, Illinois : InterVarsity Press, 2015.
Physical Description 271p.
General Note Includes Index and Bibliographical References.
Formatted Contents Note In memoriam The creator's presence among Native People The colonization, evangelization, and assimilation of First Nations People Sweating with Jesus : stories of the Native experience A view from the hill : emerging Native expressions of the Jesus way From colonization to contextualization Looking down the road : the future of the Native church Editors' tribute to Richard Twiss Appendix A: Final words on Indigenous education and theology Appendix B: What should we call you? Glossary.
Summary, Etc. "The gospel of Jesus has not always been good news for Native Americans. But despite the far-reaching effects of colonialism, some Natives have forged culturally authentic ways to follow Jesus. In his final work, Richard Twiss surveys the complicated history of Christian missions among Indigenous peoples and voices a hopeful vision of contextual Native Christian faith"--Provided by publisher.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA - RELIGION.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term CHRISTIANITY - CANADA.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term CHRISTIANITY - UNITED STATES.