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Perm LocRTC Library
TitleLife in his body : Discovering purpose, form and freedom in His Church
AuthorInrig, Gary.
Call No262 INR
CollectionNon Fiction
Copy No1
Reserve Item


Perm LocCirc StatusEdition
RTC LibraryAvailable 

Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 0877885001
Dewey Decimal Classification Number 262 INR
Personal Name Inrig, Gary.
Title Statement Life in his body : Discovering purpose, form and freedom in His Church
Imprint Wheaton, Illinois : Harold Shaw, 1975.
Physical Description 182p.
General Note Includes bibliographical references.
Formatted Contents Note I. The importance of the church: The crisis of the church ; Does it really matter? ; The basis of the church -- II. The life of the body: The body of Christ ; The living body ; Equipped to serve, the gifts of the Spirit ; "When you come together", the meeting of the church ; The Lord's supper -- III. The structure of the body: Patterns of church order ; The ministry of elders ; The ministry of deacons ; The independence of the local church -- IV. The fellowship of the body: Baptism ; "Welcome brother", The fellowship of the saints ; Discipline in the local church -- V. The ministry of women: The ministry of women ; Women and the church meeting -- VI. Conclusion, An appeal.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term CHURCH - BIBLICAL TEACHING.