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TitlePaul's missionary methods : In His time and ours / Edited by Robert L. Plummer and John Mark Terry
AuthorPlummer, Robert L. / Terry, John Mark.
Call No266.001 PLU
CollectionNon Fiction
Copy No1
Reserve Item


Perm LocCirc StatusEdition
RTC LibraryAvailable 

Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 9781844746156
Dewey Decimal Classification Number 266.001 PLU
Personal Name Plummer, Robert L.
Title Statement Paul's missionary methods : In His time and ours / Edited by Robert L. Plummer and John Mark Terry
Imprint InterVarsity Press, Nottingham : 2012.
Physical Description 253p.
General Note Includes Index and Bibliographical References
Formatted Contents Note pt. ONE Paul in the New Testament 1.Paul's Religious and Historical Milieu /? Michael F. Bird 2.Paul the Missionary /? Eckhard J. Schnabel 3.Paul's Gospel /? Robert L. Plummer 4.Paul's Ecclesiology /? Benjamin L. Merkle 5.Paul's Mission as the Mission of the Church /? Christoph W. Stenschke 6.Paul's Theology of Suffering /? Don N. Howell, Jr. 7.Paul and Spiritual Warfare /? Craig Keener pt. TWO Paul's Influence on Missions 8.Paul's Missions Strategy /? David J. Hesselgrave 9.Paul's Strategy: Determinative for Today? /? Michael Pocock 10.Paul and Indigenous Missions /? John Mark Terry 11.Paul and Church Planting /? Lizette Beard 12.Paul and Contextualization /? M. David Sills 13.Paul and Leadership Development /? Chuck Lawless Postscript 14.Roland Allen's Missionary Methods at One Hundred /? J. D. Payne.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term MISSIONS - BIBLICAL TEACHING.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term BIBLE.N.T. - EPISTLES OF PAUL - THEOLOGY.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term PETER, THE APOSTLE, SAINT.
Added Entry, Personal Name Terry, John Mark.