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TitleThe Practical Calvinist : An Introduction to the Presbyterian and Reformed heritage
AuthorLillback, Peter A.
Call No284.2 LIL
CollectionNon Fiction
Copy No1
Reserve Item


Perm LocCirc StatusEdition
RTC LibraryAvailable 

Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 1857928148
Dewey Decimal Classification Number 284.2 LIL
Personal Name Lillback, Peter A.
Title Statement The Practical Calvinist : An Introduction to the Presbyterian and Reformed heritage
Imprint Christian Focus, Fearn, Ross-shire : 2002.
Physical Description 584p.
General Note Includes Index and Bibliographical References
General Note "In honor of Dr D. Clair Davis on the occasion of his seventieth birthday and to acknowledge his more than thirty years of teaching at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia."
Formatted Contents Note Biography of D. Clair Davis /? Erik V. Davis The practical implications of the five points of Calvinism /? D. Clair Davis Drawn eastwards : the attraction of Eastern Orthodoxy for Western Christians /? James R. Payton Theological light from the medieval era? : Anselm and the logic of the atonement /? Peter A. Lillback Christ the end of the law /? John Calvin Manifested in the flesh : Calvin on the reality of the incarnation /? Sinclair B. Ferguson Was Luther an evangelical? /? Carl Trueman Peter Martyr Vermigli : probing his Puritan influence /? Frank A. James Puritan preaching /? Joseph A. Pipa, Jr. William Perkins on predestination, preaching, and conversion /? Joel Beeke The clash of king and kirk : the 1690 revolution settlement in Presbyterian Scotland /? Richard Gamble Jonathan Edwards and the 1734-35 Northampton revival /? Samuel T. Logan Love as the foundation of theology : the practical implications of Jonathan Edwards' doctrine of the indwelling of the Spirit /? John Hannah The light of Schleiermacher in Restoration France : the test cases of Samuel Vincent and Merle d'Aubigne´ /? William Edgar The struggle for orthodoxy in the Christian Reformed Church /? W. Robert Godfrey An historical perspective on "Joining and receiving" and its impact on the OPC, PCA, and RPCES /? William Barker The justification of confessions and the logic of confessional subscription /? David F. Coffin J. Gresham Machen : confessionalism and the history of American Presbyterianism /? Darryl G. Hart Non sola ratione : threee Prebyterians and the postmodern mind /? K. Scott Oliphint The millennial study Bible of Heinrich Horch (1652-1729) : a case study in early modern Reformed hermeneutics /? Douglas H. Shantz Presbyterianism and dispensationalism /? Vern S. Poythress Biblical theology and the Westminster standards /? Richard B. Gaffin Pastoral ministry in union with Christ /? Philip Graham Ryken Practical Calvinism : grace, sonship and mission /? Ronald E. Lutz and John V. Yenchko Suffering in James /? Dan G. McCartney Biblical counseling and practical Calvinism /? Jay E. Adams Calvinism and contemporary Christian counseling /? David Powlison Anecdotes from the ministry and teaching career of Dr. Davis.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - HISTORY.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - DOCTRINES.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term CALVINISM.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term DAVIS, D. CLAIR.