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TitleMissiology : An Introduction to the foundations, history and strategies of world missions / Edited by John Mark Terry, Ebbie Smith and Justice Anderson
AuthorTerry, John Mark.
Call No266 TER
CollectionNon Fiction
Copy No1
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Perm LocCirc StatusEdition
RTC LibraryAvailable 

Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 9780805410754
Dewey Decimal Classification Number 266 TER
Personal Name Terry, John Mark.
Title Statement Missiology : An Introduction to the foundations, history and strategies of world missions / Edited by John Mark Terry, Ebbie Smith and Justice Anderson
Imprint Nashville, Tennessee : Broadman & Holman, 1998.
Physical Description 750p.
General Note Includes Index and Bibliographical References
Formatted Contents Note An overview of missiology / Justice Anderson -- The purpose of missions / Gerald D. Wright -- The present situation in missions / Jerry A. Rankin -- Old Testament foundations for missions / W. Bryant Hicks -- The Gospels and Acts : Jesus the missionary and His missionary followers / Robert Garrett -- Missions in the Pauline Epistles / George Martin -- The missionary mandate of God's nature / G. William Schweer -- The missionary purpose of God's people / Ron Rogers -- The missionary motivation of God's salvation / J. Sam Simmons -- The state of the unevangelized and its missionary implications / Millard J. Erickson -- The history of missions in the early church / John Mark Terry -- Medieval and Renaissance missions (500-1792) ; The great century and beyond (1792-1910) / Justice Anderson -- Garden or wilderness? : the mission to America / Charles L. Chaney -- Turbulent and transitional : the story of missions in the twentieth century / R. Alton James -- Culture : the milieu of missions / Ebbie Smith -- Cross-cultural communication / Robert Don Hughes -- "To be or not to be?" : the indigenous church question / Keith E. Eitel -- Contextualization and the missionary endeavor / Daniel R. Sanchez -- Missionary call and service / William E. Goff -- Traditional religions : primal religiosity and mission dynamics / Keith E. Eitel -- Eastern religions / Ronald C. Hill -- The religions of the Middle East : Islam and Judaism / James D. Chancellor and Jeffery Wasserman -- Contemporary cults / R. Philip Roberts -- Contemporary theology of religions ; Introduction to the strategy and methods of missions / Ebbie Smith -- Contextual evangelism strategies / C. Thomas Wright -- Strategies for starting churches / Daniel R. Sanchez -- Strategies for church growth / Thom S. Rainer -- Strategies for church development / James B. Slack -- Strategies for humanitarian ministries / John Cheyne -- Theological education and missions : an African case study / Vance C. Kirkpatrick -- Religious education and missions / Tommy L. Bridges -- Strategies for music in missions / J. Stanley Moore -- Strategies for ethnic ministries / Jose A. Hernandez -- Strategies for the development of the spiritual life of missionaries / Marion G. Fray -- Strategies for missions education in the local church / Monte Clendinning -- The missionary family / Dellana O'Brien -- Spiritual warfare and the missionary task / Tommy D. Lea -- Thriving in the ecotones : the local church and world missions / James Dennison -- One for all and all for one : a case study / Robert E. Reccord -- The unfinished task / Avery T. Willis, Jr.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term MISSIONS.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term BAPTISTS - MISSIONS.