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TitleApostle Paul : His life and theology / Udo Schnelle; translated by M. Eugene Boring
AuthorSchnelle, Udo.
Call No225.92 SCH
CollectionNon Fiction
Copy No1
Reserve Item


Perm LocCirc StatusEdition
RTC LibraryAvailable 

Catalog Details

International Standard Book Number 0801027969
Dewey Decimal Classification Number 225.92 SCH
Personal Name Schnelle, Udo.
Title Statement Apostle Paul : His life and theology / Udo Schnelle; translated by M. Eugene Boring
Physical Description 695p.
General Note Includes Index and Bibliographical References
Summary, Etc. "Paul's writings are centrally important not only for the establishment of the Christian faith but for the whole history of Western culture. The original German edition of Udo Schnelle's work has established itself as a leading introduction to Paul in Europe. Now in M. Eugene Boring's translation, and with his bibliographic revisions, it represents the state of the art in the English-speaking world" - Book jacket
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term PAUL, THE APOSTLE, SAINT.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term CHRISTIAN SAINTS - TURKEY - TARSUS - BIOGRAPHY.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term BIBLE.N.T. - EPISTLES OF PAUL - THEOLOGY.