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Holding Details

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TitleChristian schooling: education for freedom / Fowler (editor), van Brummelen and van Dyke [Text].
AuthorFowler, Stuart. / Van Brummelen, Harro W. / van Dyk, John.
Call No377.8 FOW
CollectionNon Fiction
Copy No1
Reserve Item


Perm LocCirc StatusEdition
RTC LibraryAvailable 

Catalog Details

Dewey Decimal Classification Number 377.8 FOW
Personal Name Fowler, Stuart.
Personal Name Van Brummelen, Harro W.
Personal Name van Dyk, John.
Title Statement Christian schooling: education for freedom / Fowler (editor), van Brummelen and van Dyke [Text].
Imprint Potchefstroom : PU for CHE, 1990.
Physical Description 198 p.
Series Statement - Title Wetenskaplike Bydraes van die PU vir CHO.
Subject Added Entry - Topical Term CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS.